Saturday, June 26, 2010

Garden 2.0!

We all came together again this morning to practice a little square foot gardening. We built and planted three 4x4 foot gardens. Two of them have trellises. We're pretty excited about how our garden keeps growing! Check it out.


Making the soil: 1/3 vermiculite, 1/3 peat moss, 1/3 compost (5 different kinds!)

Filling the boxes:

Making the square foot grids:

Making the trellises:

Planting the plants:

Finished product:

Our garden:

If you want to get involved, it's not too late. Drop me an email.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Newly Formed Landscape Committee!!

At the last meeting of the EMPOA board, an exciting proposal was approved to establish a Landscape Committee for making improvements to the common areas. A budget was established which will use existing funds. Patti Amador was appointed chairperson for the committee. Members who volunteered to serve on the committee are Patti Amador, Tom Arthur, Veronica Davis, Blair Darling, Sarah Koch, Paul Pirrotta, Caroline Rodocker, Denny Walsh and Matt Underhill.

A first meeting was held on Thursday, June 24 to discuss plans for "need" and "dream" projects. Members will investigate with Lansing Community College and MSU that have Landscape Architecture programs which might design a "master landscape plan". Members decided to address the following "focal points": Front sign area and pergola, large pergola in common area 2, pergola in Glendurgan cul de sac, area around large 2 ponds, area near firepit and gardens and common area 4 (natural area). Everyone agreed that efforts would be made to prune existing trees and shrubs in order to salvage existing plantings.

The committee made a "To Do" list of projects and made the following assignments:

Matt Underhill Make contact with landscape suppliers to get information on native plants that are drought resistant (since EMPOA does not currently have any method of watering areas). Especially climbing vines which may be used for the pergolas. He will also discuss possible discounts which may be available to EMPOA for products used. Suggestions for plantings near the pergolas included grapes, wisteria, clematis or climbing roses.

Tom Arthur Contact LCC and MSU for information and possibilities. Investigate options for a bench to place in the large pergola and cost involved. Investigate how to make it "theft proof".

Patti Amador Get information and cost analysis for mulch around trees and bushes. Design a plan with cost analysis for landscape garden with large pergola . Obtain designs for lookout landings on the 2 large ponds or possible gazebo. Get cost for composite materials which will last and have minimum upkeep. Discuss and coordinate with Drain Commission.

It was also suggested that ground covers, flowers and plants could be used around tree bases. Members also spoke of finding a way to pump water from the ponds to water the landscaping.

We know that many EMPOA members might be able on occasion to "lend a hand" for special projects. The committee will keep you posted on our activities and if you want to help, don't be shy! Wait until you see how English Meadows begins to "bloom" and all our properties increase their value. We just know you'll love it!!! We know the potential for real classic beauty is great here. The committee will meet again next month on July 22, 7:00 p.m. at Patti Amador's house.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Community BBQ

Click on the poster to see it bigger.

Planning Meeting

Dear Gardeners,
Our planning team met tonight (that is to say, anyone who showed up!), and we made some plans. Here they are:

1. I've got $250 from five families so far. If you're able to get me $50 by Tuesday, June 22nd (when I'll be going shopping for garden 2.0) that would be great. We'll build as many 4x4 gardens as I have received money for on the 22nd.
2. We're going to be following a process called Square Foot Gardening. You can read about it here: This process is easier in several ways although the soil for it is a bit more expensive.
3. We'll break ground (although there is no breaking ground in this process!) on Saturday, June 26th @ 8AM.
4. We've got a community BBQ that night at 6PM at our house (please RSVP!).
5. Does anyone have art skills to make us a sign?

All for now. Keep up the great watering and wedding. Happy gardening.


Monday, June 14, 2010

Harvest Time!

Tonight we had our second harvest, and I remembered to bring the camera this time. We were able to harvest baby lettuce, cabbage, kale, chard, and mustard greens. I wasn't sure how this was going to work trying to have everyone harvest together, but so far it seems to be working out well. Anyone who wants to join in the fun is welcome. Email me. We've got a meeting this Wednesday to plan the next stages for the garden.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Harvest Time!

It's harvest time!

Sarah and I were watering and wedding tonight and we think it's time to harvest our first harvest of kale, mustard greens, some spinach, and romaine lettuce. We're going to harvest some tomorrow (Wednesday, June 2) at 5:30. If you're not able to be there at 5:30, just let me know (email) and we'll hold some here at the house and you can come by later in the evening or the next day or two. This is just the first of many more harvests!

For those of you who have no idea how to cook kale, I found a recipe from Bobby Flay on the Food Network website. Pretty easy! Here it is.

And here's a recipe for Braised Mustard Greens by Rachael Ray.