Sunday, August 29, 2010

Saturday's Workday a Wonderful Aching-Back Success!!!

Tired workers take a break on Patti Amador's deck. Little Caesar's yummy pizza, bread sticks, cookies and flavored water hit the spot after a morning of diligent pruning and mulching activities.

Denny, Caroline and Joe Walsh worked hard with John Derby to shape and clean up the cul de sac on Glendurgan. Spirea and juniper bushes were pruned, a wild tree that was growing through the arbor was removed, and weeds were removed from the rock garden. Round up was sprayed on the weeds in the street. Denny said he and Joe would donate some mulch and put it around the bases of the bushes later this week.

Meanwhile, Diego and Patti Amador, Joan Narodowiec, Leann and Mason Winkel made progress as they laid down newspapers under the spruce trees on McCue and then spread cypress mulch over the papers.

When the "cul de sac wizards" finished their project, they also came and helped the motley crew with cypress-smelling hands and spruce-scratched faces.

Of all the workers, it is rumored that the "main man" who did most of the real work was four year old Mason! :-))) Mike Winkel headed up the child care division so that wife Leann could spread her expertise around.

Some workers on the mulch crew were somewhat distracted by a well built, tanned runner who complimented the crew on their good work.
Other workers’ major concern was the "smiling face" they turned toward passing motorists on McCue as they bent over to distribute the mulch.

Seeing that the condo association owners lacked their President's leadership, Cheryl Spicer made her way to where the group was laboring. She was happy to "cuss" and "discuss" strategies for future cooperation between the condos and the rest of EMPOA.

Workers munched on energizing snacks of cheese sticks, granola bars with welcome swigs of water along the way. The smell of spruce reminded the crews of Christmas memories and cold weather, although the day was sunny, breezy and balmy.

The originally scheduled workday ambitiously pretended we could last until 4:00 p.m. The true "weight" of aching backs was demonstrated when Diego Amador made the proclamation that he was finished after lunch. A loud chorus of voices rose in agreement. There were no protests.

All of the participants agreed they were proud of their accomplishments. Later, several couldn't resist the urge to "return to the scene of the crimes" to lovingly admire their hard work. Many projects are still on the "to do" list. Two more workdays are on the schedule for September 11 and October 2. Come join us next time. We really did have a lot of fun! Our motto: Take Pride in our Neighborhood!

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