Saturday, July 24, 2010

Exciting Landscape Committee Meeting!

Thursday, July 22, 2010, was the second meeting of the EMPOA Landscape Committee. The committee is steaming ahead with great ideas and progress. Leann Winkel was welcomed as a new member.

Dr. Pat Crawford from MSU's Landscape Architecture program was present to gather information on our project and let members know if we might qualify for assistance from their program.

We discussed our major objectives for the 2010 season. Those are: 1. Add mulch to the trees to protect them from our lawn maintenance company's weed whacking around the bases (which kills the trees).
2. Formulate a "Master Plan" for landscaping the common areas. The committee members would also like to do an affordable project which would show some progress in beautifying some area for this year.

Dr. Crawford talked about several ways the project might be approached. She committed to reviewing our project with Landscape Architect Department Professors to see if they would accept our project for their students. Also, she said it might be possible to round up a couple of students who could work with us yet this summer on a stipend. They would make a "Master Plan". She said this type of plan would provide a realistic "picture" of how things could look from an aerial perspective. We indicated that we would be doing the projects in phases possibly over the next five years.

Tom Arthur has been contacted from LCC's program and will followup with them as well to see if their representative can meet with the committee. One of the differences between LCC and MSU's programs is that MSU focuses on a theoretical "management" perspective. LCC's focus is more "business" oriented and that program might be more "hands on". Tom reported his findings on several types of benches (with costs) which might be useful for the large pergola in common area #2.

Matt Underhill told the committee that recommendations from landscape suppliers for trellis plants for the pergolas were basically three plants - wisteria, honeysuckle and trumpet vine. Although trumpet vine can be somewhat invasive. Honeysuckle and wisteria seem to be the favorites. Patti showed members a rough initial sketch for plantings in the pergola.

Patti Amador made contact with Landscape Architects & Planners who did the plans for the Delhi Township Veterans Memorial Gardens. They forwarded a proposal for making a "Master Plan" which would cost around $500. Tamara Jorkasky, Project Manager came and did a "walk through" of the property. The committee will hold on to their proposal until getting input from LCC and MSU's programs. Patti made contact with Colleen Cooper, Master Gardner who is actively involved working on the Veterans gardens. Colleen works on an hourly basis and can make recommendations for specific plantings.

Other contacts made with vendors were Menard's, Lowe's and Schaefer's. Patti explained to the committee how discounts and rebates can be received from them. Patti purchased three landscaping books for committee use. One is on stone and patio landscaping. One is on deck, gazebo and materials useage. The third book details overall "big picture" landscaping. The last included an excellent software program for landscaping by Punch software.

Prices will be gotten for mulch and a workday will be scheduled for applying around the trees. Another idea discussed was to install a sign and plastic bag dispenser asking residents to dispose of dog droppings.

Patti took approximately 100 photos of English Meadows which have been uploaded to Once there, click on Web Albums and type in English Meadows Community Garden. These photos will be useful for anyone working on the project and will also provide a "before" historical record for comparing the end results.

Paul Pirrotta committed to three action items: 1. Talk to the DNR to get specifics regarding the "spring goose roundup" program for eliminating geese. 2. Do a survey of EMPOA members to see who might be willing to "donate" plants for the future. Donations could be from existing plants or could be donations toward purchase of new plants or shrubs. 3. Talk to drain commission to find out in which ways we need to coordinate with them.

It was decided by the committee to try and combine the meetings of the Garden Committee and the Landscape Committee on the same 3rd Tuesday of the month at 7:00 p.m. Since most of the members are on both committees, this may save some time. The next meeting will be on August 17 at Tom's home.

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